Meditation, Breathwork, Reiki & Healing Arts

I will guide you to your inner focus, your own self-healing and well-being. It is already inside of you. You just have to remember and reconnect.

"A Daily Meditation Practice and Healing Techniques keep me Grounded, at Ease and Close to a Smile." Jenny Berglund Castro

Book a free 15 min intro call to talk about your needs and ideas on how we can work together.

Contact info here

Weekly Schedule

We are closed through Aug 5. Find me on @find_rhythm until then. August schedule below.


Sunrise Stretch & Meditation

07:15 - 08:00

At Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)

Sunrise Stretch & Meditation

08:15 - 09:00

At Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)

Deep Sense Reiki Healing

12:00 - 13:00

at YogaMana Sibyllegatan


One-on-one and Corporate programs available.


Soft Stretch & Meditation

12:15 - 13:00

Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)


Deep Sense Reiki Healing

12:00 - 13:00

at YogaMana Sigtunagatan


Sunrise Stretch & Meditation

07:15 - 08:00

At Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)

Sunrise Stretch & Meditation

08:15 - 09:00

at Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)


Available for private sessions in studio and online, privates, groups, corporate.

Current events listed below.

6 Week Meditation & Breathwork Course this Fall

Beginners look here! I will be teaching a Meditation and Breathwork Course Online this fall, starting in September. You will:

1. Learn some really cool philosophy written 2000+ years ago (and surprisingly accurate and useful in today's lives!)

2. Get practical tools on how to start your own daily meditation practice, with a very low entry barrier

3. Find ways to help you relieve stress, sleep better and get new perspectives in life

4. Get closer to the person you want to be in life, for yourself and those around you

Sign up to get on the list. No commitment yet. More info to come. Can't wait to see you!

I'm interested!

Corporate Wellness

They say you have to experience something to really understand it. I now 100% believe this to be true.

I worked within the corporate world for over 25 years. The stress level was always very present with high expectations (from others, but even more so on myself!), strategic decisions to be made and short deadlines. One day my body shut down, and I could barely walk for 2 weeks. I was lucky, they say, that my body decided to talk to me and not just give up. It took me months to get back on track - today I'm doing great.

Reach out to talk to me about how we can work together within your Corporation to work with change.

Some of the scientifically proven benefits from practices such as Meditation, yoga, Reiki and Sound Healing are:

- Deep Stress Release - Nervous system regulation - Deeper and better breathing - Better sleep - Calm inside - Clearer mind - Healthier body - Allowing for Self-healing - Better communication - Improved relationships - More conscious decisions - New perspectives - Better focus - and more...

The only constant is change... but how do we move with the change?

Email me to set a time to chat.


Find me in Stockholm and online

You can find me at Ester Adele yogastudio in Södermalm (St Paulsgatan 22) and at YogaMana Vasastan and Östermalm. For Company Private sessions, email me at

More info & Book

Today's Meditation

In Today's Meditation we go into the 5 realms to look at the physical, emotional, material, relationship and spiritual realms. Where and how do you need to shift in your life right now? More free meditations can be found at my YouTube account. Enjoy!

From a brilliant mind

"If you just sit and observe, you will see how restless your mind is. If you try to calm it, it only makes it worse, but over time it does calm, and when it does, there's room to hear more subtle things - that's when your intuition starts to blossom and you start to see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you could see before.”

Steve Jobs