Collection: Meditation & Yoga

Meditation and Yoga are ancient practices dating back thousands of years. These practices are still used on a daily basis because they have fantastic benefits for brain health, physical health and overall well-being. Research has proven how meditation and yoga help people and why this works. We know that with a daily practice we get improved:

- Focus
- Sleep
- Immune system
- Breathing
- Blood pressure
- Communication skills
- Decision making
- Perspective when hit with challenges
- ...and so much more

Weekly Schedule 2025

Join me for weekly classes! Book a Course, buy a 10-card or drop-in.


Slow Flow Yoga & Meditation

07:30 - 08:45

Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)

Yin Yoga & Healing *8 week Course


Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)

Start dates: 13/1 and 17/3


Sound Healing


YogaMana (Vasastan) *booked separately via YogaMana


Slow Flow Yoga & Meditation


Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)


Reiki & Meditation


YogaMana Sigtunagatan *booked separately via YogaMana


Slow Flow Yoga & Meditation

07:30 - 08:45

Ester Adele Studio (Södermalm)



Free meditations here!

InsightTimer - listen & follow me here

YouTube - listen & follow me here

Jenny is certified by davidjimeditation (California, USA) and Yoga & Ayurveda Center - online Yoga School (USA), accredited Yoga Alliance schools.

Jenny Berglund Castro davidji Meditation Healing Reiki